Tiefflug! is a really fat trash pearl from the year 2000 from Germany. Unfortunately not a good one, because the name says it all. There was neither an OGDB nor a MobyGames entry for the game. No YouTube videos etc. Only on Amazon there was a comment about the game, and that it is big crap.
The gameplay and graphics are reminiscent of Magic Carpet. The packaging advertises that you don't need a 3D accelerator card to play. That's right, because the 3D environment is shown in the software render. By and large, the game looks like an unfinished Engine Tech demo. That it was actually published in a box is relatively surprising.
Name: Tiefflug!
Publisher: IncaGold
Developer: Bluemoon Interactive, Ltd.
Genre: 3D Action Flug Shooter
Medium: CD-ROM
Plattform: Windows 95
Release Year: 2000